I used scrapblog to make the header for this blog, and I really like it. I started with a template and changed some things up a bit, but I thought it really embodied the bento spirit. So there it is.
I also used scrapblog to make a little album of some of the bentos I've done. I'd like to add to this little album as I make more bentos (and archive my past ones), and maybe some day I'll print my own book of bentos. =D Maybe. We'll see.
So, even though it's in its early stages, here's my bento album from scrapblog. I didn't spend much time on it, but I did try to archive some of the bentos I've made Eliana this year. I'd like to go back and maybe add in the foods from each bento, but we'll see if that happens. For right now here's what it looks like...