Friday, September 30, 2011

Ladybug Apple!

"I got a ladybug apple!! Bwaaaahaaahaa!!"

That was Eliana's response to my very hastily thrown together bento snack on Tuesday morning. She thought it was GREAT. Wow. That was easy. =D
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Just a little something to snack on...

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Eliana is learning to write in cursive this year, so I've been trying to incorporate cursive into her bentos. It's not as easy to write on graham cracker as it might seem!

Jello, hard boiled egg, craisins, and graham cracker. Just a little snack!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Giraffe Eggs

What? You didn't know that giraffes lay eggs? Well, maybe they don't, but Eliana got a giraffe egg in her bento this week. How fun!

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Here's a close up in case you missed it!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Egg Love!

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These two little eggs were in love and happy as could be! Aren't they cute?

Peas, Canadian Bacon, Eggs, Jello, and Craisins today!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pretty Plain

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Not the most exciting bento, but it will suffice. Peas, hard boiled egg, jello, orange, carrots, and tofutti "cheese" stars.


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A double decker bento for Ellie this week! She gets jello, graham crackers, raisins, orange, pepperoni, tofutti "cheese", dried blueberries, and a hard boiled egg. And in case you can't tell, that is no ordinary egg, but an iceburg in the water with a penguin on top!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

This little girl helps me make bentos.

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Sometimes she just plays while I make them. =D Today, though, she was helpful... 

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I was not so prepared as to have her bento made the night before, so I had to put together a quick one before school on Friday. Here's what she got:

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When she came home from school, the only thing she hadn't eaten was her banana. It turns out that she REALLY likes hard boiled eggs! I'd made this one up in an egg mold, so she was excited to get a star shaped egg. She even requested eggs for this week's bentos!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fruit, Grain, and... Jello?

Not exactly the food groups, but that's what Eliana had for snack one day last week. Since she gets done with school at 11:30, I only send a snack with her, then whatever is left over she eats in the car on the way home. Sometimes I send a double decker snack, and sometimes only a single layer bento, depending on how much time I have and how much I think she'll eat. This week she seems to be a bottomless pit, so I made all her bentos ahead of time (go mom! I love being prepared for the week to come!) and they are all double layered this week. In any event, this was one of hers from last week...
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If I remember right, she ate the whole thing. Hooray!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jello Cups

Eliana LOVES having Jello in her bentos. I have found that the easiest way to send jello is by making it in silicone cups. Of course, the silicone cups are smaller than the 1/2 C. traditional serving of Jello (which I think is fine, since it is a treat!), so you get more "servings" out of one box! Score! I just make the jello in a Pyrex measuring cup (4 C.) and pour it into the various shaped silicone cups, then put them (on a plate) in the fridge to set. They make very fun snacks!
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Food!

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I discovered my cute baran sheets last week! I guess I've known they were there, but I actually pulled them out and used them to contain some rather unruly jello. Ellie also got chicken, tofutti stars, strawberries, and homemade dairy-free "goldfish" crackers!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The oval bento box

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I have this oval bento box that I find to be uber cute, but have to admit that I struggle with filling it because it is a different shape than my other bento boxes. Ellie's snack this day was boring for just that reason. Some pasta (albeit shaped like vehicles!) and frozen peas. Still, she enjoyed the snack at school and it was good for her. I'll have to keep working on this box, though.

Friday, September 9, 2011

More Bento

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Another week!

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Another week, another set of bentos. Actually, this is from last week. This week has been a little messed up by the fact that I have been pretty seriously sick this week. So... You get last week's cast offs, spaced out if I do it right... Ha!

Let's see... we will start with the pancakes and berry mush bento for your viewing pleasure. I didn't intend for the berries to be mush, but they were. Yeah, Ellie didn't think they looked too appetizing, either, and didn't eat them. Sigh.

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But at least the box was cute!! It's one I got from my friend Tam this summer!

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of School....

Tuesday was Eliana's first day of kindergarten. To celebrate, I made her a snack bento based on the book we read for her bedtime story, "The Kissing Hand". She loved it!

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